Hosta ‘Elegans’

Hosta sieboldiana Elegans

Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ er en stor/ekstra stor Hosta som har store, tykke og hjerteformede blå blader og nesten hvite blomster.

Den trenger godt med lys/delvis skygge gjennom hele dagen og holder fargen best i litt kjøligere klima. Den kan være litt treg til å etablere seg og vokse, men etter hvert vil den danne en stor og flott Hosta.

  • Hosta er en lettstelt og klumpformet plante som trives best når den får morgensol og blir plassert i delvis skygge eller skygge. Den liker seg best i næringsrik, veldrenert og lett fuktig jord.
  • Bruk den på skyggefulle steder i hagen plantet sammen med andre stauder eller som underplanting til roser og busker. Hosta er super sammen med bregner og prydgress.
  • Hosta egner seg godt i bed, langs bekker og dammer og i krukker.
  • Klipp ned blomsterstilker etter avblomstring for å fremme veksten.
  • Har du snegler i hagen er dessverre Hosta utsatt for snegleangrep.
  • Formeres ved deling om våren eller høsten. Du kan også så de fleste Hosta fra frø (noen er sterile), men de fleste sorter er ikke frøekte og vil i stor utstrekning resultere i Hosta med kun grønne blader.

Informasjon om sorten

Navnsieboldiana ‘Elegans’
OpprinnelseH. sieboldiana x H. ‘Tokudama’ 
StørrelseStor / Ekstra stor
Høyde60 cm
Bredde90 cm – 110 cm
Blad (lengde x bredde)35 cm x 25 cm
BlomsterfargeLys lavendel / nær hvit
Røde stilkerNei
OpphavsmannAhrends & Hylander & AHS
Registrert år2002
Utmerkelser2009 AHS’s Benedict Garden Performance Award of Merit
2006 AHS’s Benedict Garden Performance Honorable Mention
1993 AGM Plant Award
Sporter ‘Academy Blue Borealis’ sport/gg
‘American Majestic’ sport/wg
‘Aurora Borealis’ sport/gy
‘Barbara Ann’ sport/gw
‘Blue Giant’ sport/gg
‘Bold Ruffles’ sport/gg
‘Borwick Beauty’ sport/yg
‘Chesterland Mystery’ sport/o
‘Creme de Menthe’ sport/gw
‘El Dorado’ sport/gy
‘Exotic Frances Williams’ sport/gw
‘Foxfire Shadowdancer’ sport/yb
‘Friesland’ sport/gg
‘George Smith ‘ sport/yg
‘Golden Meadows’ sport/yb
‘Gone Fishin’ sport/os
‘Great Expectations’ sport or hybrid
‘Hasamona Jeffery L. Swarts’ sport/bg
‘Homestead’ sport/o ‘Myerscough Magic’ sport/gw
‘Northern Comet’ sport/wg ‘Northern Exposure’ sport/bc
‘Northern Halo’ sport/gw ‘Northern Lights’ sport/wg
‘Northern Mist’ sport/o ‘Northern Star ‘ sport/gg
‘Northern Sunray ‘ sport/wg ‘Nutty Husband’ sport/gw
‘Swiss Lady’ sport/gg ‘Temptation’ sport/wb
‘Thunderbolt’ sport/yg
Frøplanter‘Abiqua Parasol’ = PP x montana
‘Academy Blue Titan’ = montana x PP
‘Agawa’ selfed
‘Alabama Bowl’ = PP x ‘Big Mama’
‘American King of the Woods’ selfed
‘American Super Elegans’ seedling
‘Arett’s Wonder’ hybrid
‘Atypical Blonde’ = PP x ‘Sea Gulf Stream’
‘Batman’ seedling
‘Bix Blues’ = ‘Halcyon’ x PP
‘Blauspecht’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Belle’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Blush’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Carpet’ = ‘Tardiflora’ x PP
‘Blue Chalk’ = ‘Fall Bouquet’ x PP
‘Blue Danube’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Diamond’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Dimples’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Moon’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Blue Mountains’ = PP x’Halcyon’
‘Blue Saucers’ = PP x ‘Frances Williams’
‘Blue Skies’ = ‘Tardiflora’ x PP
‘Blue Thunder’ = PP x ‘Halcyon’
‘Blue Umbrellas’ = ‘Tokudama’ x PP
‘Blue Wedgwood’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Brigadier’ = PP x ‘Hirao Supreme’
‘Brother Ronald’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Camelot’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Crater Lake’ hybrid
‘Crumples’ hybrid
‘Curlew’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Devon Blue’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Devon Giant’ seedling
‘Dick Strub’ = PP x ‘Hirao Supreme’
‘Dilys’ = ‘Tardiflora’ x PP
‘Dorset Blue’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Dorset Charm’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Dorset Cream’ = ‘Fortunei Aurea’ x PP
‘Dorset Flair ‘ = tardiflora x PP
‘Eleanor J. Reath’ = ‘Frances Williams’ x PP
‘Ellen F. Weissenberger’ seedling
‘Eric Smith’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Frances Williams’ seedling
‘Gallant Heart’ = ‘Puckered Giant’ x PP
‘Gandalf’ = ‘Neat Splash’ x PP
‘Glacial Lake’ = ‘Sagae’ x PP
‘Great Western Gap’ = ‘Sea Prize’ x PP
‘Green Saucers’ = PP x ‘Frances Williams’
‘Grey Goose’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Groo Bloo’ seedling
‘Hadspen Blue’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Hadspen Hawk’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Hadspen Heron’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Hadspen Pink’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Hadspen Samphire’ = PP x ‘Kabitan’
‘Halcyon’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Halley’s Comet’ = ‘Sand Pebbles’ x PP
‘Happiness’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Harmony’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Harper Grace’ = PP x ‘Sunshine Glory’
‘Helen Doriot ‘ = ‘Frances Williams’ x PP
‘Henry the First’ = PP x ‘Satisfaction’
‘Herb Altman’ hybrid
‘Honey Hill Water Ladle’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Irische See’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Kalyn’s Joy’ seedling
‘Khaki Krush’ = PP x ‘Fortunei Hyacinthina’
‘Kingfisher’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Kiss Me Kwick and Don’t Slobber’ = PP x ‘Sunshine Glory’
‘Kite’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Kiwi Blue Ruffles’ selfed
‘Lady Anna-Quin’ = montana ‘Aureomarginata’ x PP
‘Lady Tricia Lynn’ = PP x ‘Sunshine Glory’
‘Lady-in-Waiting’ = ‘Tokudama’ x PP
‘Leaping Lipizzan’ = ‘Fascination’ x PP
‘Lee Armiger’ = PP x ‘Tokudama’
‘Lilac Giant’ seedling 
‘Logan’ seedling
‘Mammoth Ears’ seedling
‘Maui Yellow Kitten’ = PP x ‘Frances Williams’
‘Metallic Sheen’ = ‘Sum and Substance’ x PP
‘Motley Crew’ = ‘Fascination’ x PP
‘Nesmith’s Giant’ = sieboldiana x PP
‘Nightlife’ = ‘Invincible’ x PP
‘Ocean Tide’ seedling
‘Old Cadillac’ hybrid
‘Oxford Blue’ seedling
‘Pacific Panorama’ seedling
‘Paradise Blue Sky’ = PP x pycnophylla
‘Pewter Platter’ seedling
‘Plain Jane in an A-Line Skirt’ = montana ‘Aureomarginata’ x PP
‘Predominance’ = ‘Spritzer’ x PP
‘Prince of Wales’ = PP x montana
‘Puckered Giant’ hybrid
‘Regal Ruffles’ = ‘Ruffles’ x PP
‘Rembrandt Blue’ hybrid
‘Rhein’ = tardiflora x PP
‘Ritz’ = ‘Spritzer’ x PP
‘Roscoe’ = PP x ‘Frances Williams’
‘Rosedale Big Bopper’ = ‘Sum and Substance’ x PP
‘Rosedale Black Ice’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Dewy’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Pebbles’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Pickles’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Terraced Hills’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Tractor Seat’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Rosedale Yellow Brick Road’ = ‘Galaxy’ x PP
‘Screaming Yellow Zonkers’ = ‘Fascination’ x PP
‘Silver Arrow’ = kikutii f. leuconota x PP
‘Sir Lloyd T’ = PP x montana ‘Aureomarginata’
‘Sky Kissed’ = PP x ‘Blue Angel’
‘Stonewall’ hybrid ‘Stormy Lake’ = ‘Sum and Substance’ x PP
‘Sumi’ seedling
‘Sunrise Crinkles’ hybrid
‘The Mighty Koo Yai’ = PP x ‘Satisfaction’
‘Tidewater’ = kikutii f. leuconota x PP
‘Tuxedo’ = ‘Fascination’ x PP

Generell informasjon om Hosta

Norsk navnBladlilje
Vokseplass Delvis skygge / skygge
FormeringDeling vår/høst
HerdighetH6 / H7
JordtypeLeire, leirholdig.
JorddreneringFuktig, veldrenert
Tiltrekker segBier, sommerfugler
KombinasjonsplanterBregner, Prydgress,
Astilbe (Spir),
Helleborus (Juleroser),
Hemerocallis (Dagliljer),
Heuchera (Alunrot), Iris,
Pulmonaria (Lungeurt)
BruksområdeBed, krukker, underplanting til roser og busker
HagestilUformell, Cottage Garden, Gårdsplass og byhage, Terrasser og balkonger

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